Adult Services

18 – No longer a child but still a teenager. Entering adulthood. Being an adult on a daily basis. Adulting. While there is still plenty of time for fun and games, now we start stepping back and watching as our children take flight from the nest and try to figure out the same things we’ve been trying to figure out since we were their age: how the heck the world works and where we fit in it.

It’s scary letting go and standing back. We don’t want to see our children fall on their butts after all of the hard work that went into raising them. We want them safe and comfortable and successful in all of their desired endeavors. We want to see them embrace and thrive in their independence, and still do everything we tell them to.

But as with all things where being on the spectrum is concerned (or being an adult in general), sometimes life throws a curve ball at the newly-responsible.

Like many other sections on this website, this area is still in the works. Below is a preview of the topics we plan to cover. We hope it helps both family members and Autistic adults as they go through the wild ride that is being a grown-up.

Terms to Know – Say what now? No, really, what did you say? More strange new words and terms get defined here.

More on Transitioning Into Post-Secondary Education – More tips and tricks and some perspective from Autistic Manitobans who have already gone through it!

Transitioning Into Adult Disability Services – What changes, what stays the same. Who is who and what is what as teenagers become legally responsible for themselves.

All About Adult Disability Services – More of the who is who. Organizations and supports for adults. Job search supports, MarketAbilities, Community Living and so much more!

All the Love and Support in the World – Sometimes adults cannot make their own decisions or need a lot more support to make them than they are capable of on their own. No need to worry too much. In this topic segment, we will cover what it means to be the legal guardian of an adult with special needs, how to prepare for you child moving into an assisted living facility, how to help them be prepared financially and legally when you are no longer available, etc.

Miscellaneous Useful Information – Adult learning programs (GEDs); more printables to help stay organized; etc.

If you can think of any other subjects that you would like to see included or if you would like to have your own point of view/experience included in an article, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Thanks for looking around!

With lots of cheer and more high-fives, see you later.

Prairie Spectrum Team
